Who Tells Your Story…

The ‘Bit came across this video by artist lord-lorenz yesterday and I loved it so much I decided to share it here.  The narrative may not make much sense if you aren’t a fan of the Zelda series of games by Nintendo but the art itself and the sense of movement with the sketches are just gorgeous. Just right click on the sketch below and chose play.

 History has its eyes on you 



Nobody’s ever called me a good man…

American Aquarium put out one of the best albums of 2012, Burn.Flicker.Die.

(I put Burn.Flicker.Die first or second in my best of 2012 list – until I move the blog archives I can’t check)

Last year they ran a great Kickstarter campaign and released Wolves. I have played these songs all year and could happily listen to Whit on pedal steel for hours and never get tired of it.

American Aquarium – Man I’m Supposed to Be


Girls Night – Jo Wymer…

My little one likes Jo's jewelry...

Okay, I’ll be honest. Jo Wymer is cool.  Not the casual, off-hand, ‘Yeah she’s kind of cool’  but the ‘loud, pounding, screamin’ guitars, freakin’ awesome’  kind of cool.



Now that I have the extreme fangirling out of my system, (maybe) I can point out that Jo has started a gofundme  for her new cd Racing Thru Red.

After you finish watching the video pop over and check the site out. Drop a few bucks if you can or help by passing the link and news along.

I don’t think on why I’m here or where it hurts…

I didn’t write about music in 2015 (for reasons I may go into at another time) but I did listen to a lot of it. When I sat down to put together a ‘best of’ list I discovered I didn’t have the words, links and images to draw from as in years past. All I have are rambling thoughts and feelings.

So during the next couple of weeks I’ll be presenting (in no particular order) videos from what I ‘feel’ was the best music of 2015.

Jason Isbell has been writing beautiful, honest, and sometimes painful songs for years.  While a small part of me is annoyed it took this long for everyone to notice him, the rest of me is thrilled he is getting recognition for his craft.

Jason Isbell – Something More Than Free


Off the ground…

I could tell you all that the guys signed a contract with Concord Records last October and this is the first single off their soon-to-release album. I could tell you all the album, Give It Back To You is a great mix of new tracks and previously released on EP ones and includes my personal favorite, Don’t Let Me Get Lonely. I could tell you all to pop over to iTunes for a preview listen to the whole thing and even suggest you pre-order a copy afterwards from there or the band’s website.

Or I could just tell you “this is from The Record Company” and that would pretty much say it all.



Give it Back to You drops February 12, 2016.