I had a 320 Ghost shell drop for me in a match!!!!!
This past week the PvP event ‘Iron Banner‘ ran on Destiny. I got a 320 Ghost shell, a 311 rocket launcher, a wolfswood bond for my Warlock (which I missed the first time it was offered) and several pieces of armor.
Iron Banner was kind of a mixed bag this time. If you were lucky enough to get good drops it was a decent event. If you were not it was an endless slogfest of lag and disappointment. At one point I got a postmortem kill notice while I was leaping around very much alive. My supers either killed everyone on the map or hit a player point blank and did no damage.
Lag…the ultimate opponent.
However, Greywrath and I had a good time. We ran a two player team for most games (at one point players from the clan got together and ran a full team for several matches). We were happy with our drops and amid the lag we both had some good matches. I even picked up a Phantom medal on Exodus Blue.
I didn’t think to record any of it. (next IB I will record stuff)
So, I popped over and found a cool vid from Sniper De Jure. This is on the Bannerfall map and the fact that he is running a gunslinger hunter had nothing to do with my choosing his vid. Nothing. Seriously.
Okay, back to work.