Never has a year of gaming felt more like ‘so many games, so little time‘ to me than 2015.
(minor spoilers for various games)
Dragon Age Inquisition released in late 2014 and we played it well into 2015. I still haven’t finished the Jaws of Hakkon DLC but I did manage to finish the main game as well as Descent and Trespasser. There were a few plot points I would argue fit POORLY with my Inquisition and I will never, ever pick up a shard in any play through again, but for the most part I really enjoyed the game. I may have lost an arm but I gained a puppy and a Cullen so it all balanced out.
Destiny also released in late 2014 and our Guardians are still protecting The Last City on earth. Destiny is part FPS, (first person shooter) part MMO and part Vegas Casino. When it succeeds we get the exquisite Vault of Glass and the happily Cayde-heavy The Taken King. When it fails we get the soul crushing grind of endlessly infusing exotics or the crappiness of removing paid content for players who don’t buy DLC.
We skipped Elder Scrolls Online when it first released on PC. It was just too much money and too big an investment in hardware for us at the time. When it ported to Xbox One last year we picked up a few copies and went adventuring in Tamriel. It has been a lot of fun but like most MMO’s it just requires more of a time commitment than I can spare. My youngest daughter and I tend to play it as a casual rpg where we are Khajiit princesses who save the Kingdom while riding giant saber cats.
Splatoon was huge in our house this year with both girls playing it. They are dedicated Nintendo fans and were excited to have a FSP (first squid painter) for themselves.
Nintendo also released The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes which has been the cause of more yelling in our house than any other game…ever. I am terrible at platformers but the girls are patient with me on those rare times we all play together. On the plus side, I will never stop being amused that we are saving a princess from bad fashion.
I haven’t played much Witcher 3:Wild Hunt but Kahuna is enjoying it. As much as I like the structure and graphics I can’t quite get enough interest to finish it. It is very much Geralt’s story, not mine and that affects my enjoyment of the game.
We also played Minecraft, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Brothers a Tale of Two Sons, Majora’s Mask 3d, a horde of Toca Boca games and many Smash tournaments. I also spent some time modding Skyrim and wishing Dragon’s Dogma Online was available to play outside Japan.
Then came Fallout 4.
I may never finish this game. I do play the main storyline a little but between tracking down matching sunglasses and hats for my settlement guards, killing giant mutant bugs and picking up every baseball I find (someone stop me.. please) Dogmeat and I progress very slowly. I will save my baby eventually but first I have to loot this duct tape… and cook this Mirelurk meat…and mod my combat shotgun…and build another bed…
Have a safe and happy weekend!